I would pick a product that would help my CSA's and PSA's to make them grow and retain their status help them in the running as they become leaders and help their down line do the same. This is something that you pass down to the next generation.I think T CREDITS would be a good for get items for dirty cheap at the auction and also take the stress off your mind, S-Build to build my downline and help my CSA's and PSA's who become leader do the same one affiliate or more at a time, health wise I'd look for a good one-a-day vitamins and any high energy nutrition that is good for your health.
I would pick a product that would help my CSA's and PSA's to make them grow and retain their status help them in the running as they become leaders and help their down line do the same. This is something that you pass down to the next generation.I think T CREDITS would be a good for get items for dirty cheap at the auction and also take the stress off your mind, S-Build to build my downline and help my CSA's and PSA's who become leader do the same one affiliate or more at a time, health wise I'd ...more