Good question, the best way to be re-assuring to your down line
is to ask them to go reset their pass words using character's /@' 29 bB etc. make it a strong 10 character's long also tell them this will pass this can happen to anyone at any time the better you protect yourself from this happening to you the less you have to worry.
that SFI is beefing up the security so we are all safe but they have to do their part in making a strong pass word,after all this hole cyber attack happened, after someone kept typing in an easy to remember P/W. and tell your down line actually logging out of their accounts for extra protection in case they close the browser with out logging out first does not mean they will be logged out so this can help to. Be sure they have a strong anti virus like ( Microsoft security essentials ) I use and is free
its better then norton because you can delete the virus Norton you can't to make sure they run this Microsoft security essentials after downloading do a full system scan, then from their once a week quick scan then once a month a full scan. I have asked them to
make sure they have their computer set to receive automatic up-dates as well
Good question, the best way to be re-assuring to your down line
is to ask them to go reset their pass words using character's /@' 29 bB etc. make it a strong 10 character's long also tell them this will pass this can happen to anyone at any time the better you protect yourself from this happening to you the less you have to worry.
that SFI is beefing up the security so we are all safe but they have to do their part in making a strong pass word,after all this hole cyber attack happened, ...more