Of course it would be in other languages ??to explain to people what is SFI. Some people do not know English very well and are just not coping with google transalate, who sometimes do not throw an accurate translation, so people are confused. For such people preporiu?am make separate forums and web seminars to help them be all explained in their native language. And these people deserve a chance to prove themselves in SFI, because it is more that we are successful! I wish you much success in the business.
Of course it would be in other languages ??to explain to people what is SFI. Some people do not know English very well and are just not coping with google transalate, who sometimes do not throw an accurate translation, so people are confused. For such people preporiu?am make separate forums and web seminars to help them be all explained in their native language. And these people deserve a chance to prove themselves in SFI, because it is more that we are successful! I wish you much success in the ...more