In regards to assisting new ECAs you’ve referred in setting up their store and products, you can offer your help by providing more information about ECA Program by letting them know that you there for them.
Here are the details:
- Walk them through the ECA Program.
- Be prepared to discuss with them about order fulfillment, products and prices, how they are getting paid, refunds and returns policies and the TConnect website.
- Refer them to the ECA FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS for more details. This section is an excellent resource of information designed specifically for ECAs.
In regards to assisting new ECAs you’ve referred in setting up their store and products, you can offer your help by providing more information about ECA Program by letting them know that you there for them.
Here are the details:
- Walk them through the ECA Program.
- Be prepared to discuss with them about order fulfillment, products and prices, how they are getting paid, refunds and returns policies and the TConnect website.