Absolutely. You introduced your ECAs to the ECA program so do offer your continuing support. While your ECA will have their own ideas about products and prices, you should connect with their store and help them to promote it. Moreover, if they have any concerns about listings, hot deals, and multiple listings be prepared to assist any way you can. Be aware of the application process. The more you know then more you can help. But even if you don't know, never say you can't help. Let them know that you will find an answer and get back with them asap.
The best support you can give your ECA is to promote their store alongside there efforts to promote it. We all need all the promotion we can muster to create sales. When you help them make sales, they are more productive and you benefit by having a strong ECA that produces a 10% royalty to your commissions.
Absolutely. You introduced your ECAs to the ECA program so do offer your continuing support. While your ECA will have their own ideas about products and prices, you should connect with their store and help them to promote it. Moreover, if they have any concerns about listings, hot deals, and multiple listings be prepared to assist any way you can. Be aware of the application process. The more you know then more you can help. But even if you don't know, never say you can't help. Let them know ...more