This is a very thought-provoking question that requires an equally well thought-out answer.
For me, there is no point at which help to deserving affiliates should be limited or held back.
Each affiliate has individual needs, and sponsors should be able to know what kind of help to offer based on the level of their activity.
By checking one’s Genealogy, sponsors can see who are committed to seriously building their business.
Sponsors should focus more on helping those who are helping themselves by being regularly on the Movers list.
These are the ones who are seriously building their business and yours, and help in whatever manner - be it financial in the form of gift certificates, TC credits, re-assignments; or motivational - empowering words of belief in their own abilities,giving strength in their weakness, and positive re-enforcements, for example, will work wonders for their morale.
For these hard-working, self-motivated, and deserving Affiliates, sponsors should be giving their full moral support as well in order for them to reach their full potential.
So, for me, there’s no holding back, for I can only be successful if THEY are successful.
This is a very thought-provoking question that requires an equally well thought-out answer.
For me, there is no point at which help to deserving affiliates should be limited or held back.
Each affiliate has individual needs, and sponsors should be able to know what kind of help to offer based on the level of their activity.
By checking one’s Genealogy, sponsors can see who are committed to seriously building their business.
Sponsors should focus more