From my experience never ever pressure your down line to have a standing order as an introduction on how to become ea. Why, simple because we don't know their financial capabilities thus telling them to have a standing order lead a thought we are only cashing in from them.. INstead teach them step step method not just redirecting them to launcpad and basics asap.. Lastly extend support if possible by giving them rewards like TC credits to help them boost their business by participating in pricebender auctions...
From my experience never ever pressure your down line to have a standing order as an introduction on how to become ea. Why, simple because we don't know their financial capabilities thus telling them to have a standing order lead a thought we are only cashing in from them.. INstead teach them step step method not just redirecting them to launcpad and basics asap.. Lastly extend support if possible by giving them rewards like TC credits to help them boost their business by participating in pricebender ...more