This is a very good question, and to be honest I could argue on both sides of this for hours, as there are many good points for and against. But use a system that I adopted right from the outset of joining SFI, and I still use it today. I always greet my new PSA's and CSA's with a welcoming email, and advising them how to get started. I then send a follow-up email (and now I have started using the fabulous new E-Cards)asking them how they are going, offering words of encouragement and advice, and advising them that I am always there to help them. I do this to create the feeling of team work, so these new affiliates know there is someone looking over their shoulder, and someone that is taking ownership of their progress. I study my Genealogy Report on a very regular basis,I monitor what my affiliates are doing (or not doing!!), and once again contact them to either congratulate them on their achievements or offer more words of advice if they are maybe falling behind or not visiting SFI regularly). You can use your Genealogy Report filters to gain a huge number of various reports, use this ofeten as it is a major tool for Team Leaders).
After that, if I then notice that the affiliate simply isn't interested (you will easily see this if they have not been visiting SFI or earning VP's), I send one more email offering my support and guidance, but if after all these efforts they still don't become active, I divert my efforts to those that are active and committed to the SFI concept.
Why do I do that? Simple, because SFI is a business to me, and time is money. If any new affiliate is genuinely interested in becoming successful with SFI, they will have picked up on all the great aspects of SFI in the first few weeks, and together with all my letters of support and encouragement would have realised this is one of the best platforms on the internet today in which to make money. If they haven't grasped that, then more than likely they weren't interested or motivated enough in the first place, and my time is better spent on those that are. This is what makesw SFI work,coaching and mentoring those in your down-lines to duplicate everything you do successfully, so if you waste time on those that simply aren't interested, you are not concentrating enough on the genuine affiliates who have the will and desire to succeed, and these are the affiliates who will help you succeed.
So I guess the bottom line is of course offer all new affiliates all the help and support you can, but if they don't want to accept that support, move on, your efforts in other areas is needed more.
This is a very good question, and to be honest I could argue on both sides of this for hours, as there are many good points for and against. But use a system that I adopted right from the outset of joining SFI, and I still use it today. I always greet my new PSA's and CSA's with a welcoming email, and advising them how to get started. I then send a follow-up email (and now I have started using the fabulous new E-Cards)asking them how they are going, offering words of encouragement and advice,