Hello Alma and thanks to this issue. I've also been in the same dilemma as you are - in the end I decided to SO with TC because it brings the most benefits.
First each month that 1500VP It lets me EA2 status of each month.
Second Every month I get a + 100VP action.
3rd of received 125TC.I used part of the auction and won IAHBE for consumed TC received a new action VP + MRP that I could buy a new TC
Because of all the benefits provided by this SO I think is best because it allows you with a little more knowledge and fortune comes to other tools needed in our work. Hope this help you in your decision.
Hello Alma and thanks to this issue. I've also been in the same dilemma as you are - in the end I decided to SO with TC because it brings the most benefits.
First each month that 1500VP It lets me EA2 status of each month.
Second Every month I get a + 100VP action.
3rd of received 125TC.I used part of the auction and won IAHBE for consumed TC received a new action VP + MRP that I could buy a new TC
Because of all the benefits provided by this SO I think is best because it ...more