I believe this is a very interesting question... Are you asking if we had $100 monthly extra or if we have a one-time $100?
If it is a monthly... I'd by the 125 T-credit SO for $36.
I would buy the monthly S-Builder SO for $22.
Lastly, I would probably look around and look to buy some affiliates from other "reputable" ECA's. There are many folk who are marketing and doing it very well. They are receiving great responses and I believe that I have seen some great ones that I'd be willing to spend $45 monthly on their affiliates. There is one that will give you 50 affiliates for that price. If I can get 2 working affiliates out of that 50, I'm fine.
I believe this is a very interesting question... Are you asking if we had $100 monthly extra or if we have a one-time $100?
If it is a monthly... I'd by the 125 T-credit SO for $36.
I would buy the monthly S-Builder SO for $22.
Lastly, I would probably look around and look to buy some affiliates from other "reputable" ECA's. There are many folk who are marketing and doing it very well. They are receiving great responses and I believe that I have seen some great ones ...more