Hit tracking is very helpful. You can find more about that here: https://www.sfimg.com/PowerTools/KeyCodeTracking
The "Hit Tracking" page on your Power Tools is an effective way to track your gateway hits. Set key codes on each of the gateways you are using on your advertising. Example:
http://www.sfimg4.com/xxxxxxxx.15/FREE The xxxxxxxx should be your affiliate number, the 15 is an example you could use as a reminder for where you have your ad listed. Choose a different key code for each gateway. Keep track of which ones get the best return for you. You will know which gateways have the best chance of bringing results.
You can only use the Key Code Tracking if you have at least 1000 VP for the current month. SFI's hit tracking tool resets each Sunday.
Hit tracking is very helpful. You can find more about that here: https://www.sfimg.com/PowerTools/KeyCodeTracking
The "Hit Tracking" page on your Power Tools is an effective way to track your gateway hits. Set key codes on each of the gateways you are using on your advertising. Example:
http://www.sfimg4.com/xxxxxxxx.15/FREE The xxxxxxxx should be your affiliate number, the 15 is an example you could use as a reminder for where you have your ad ...more