Whenever you are stalled you need to contact your sponsor or co-sponsors. If not you will loose you will to succeed. For example, I found that I could not recollect how my web sites and marketing posts where being received. I needed guidance, to move this very important part of my business forward to work. Also with the guide and communication with my sponsor it was kept obvious that I needed to be persistent, dedicated, aware of all avenues that needed to be explored and completed in my scheduled time I allowed to complete my goals. A sponsor or co-sponsor are very important as we all know, some more experienced or not. I feel after you have communicated with one of them, that give's you the efficient , correct and easiest answer. Then move forward with your situation, that is the one 90% of the time that will be your partner and closest person to succeed in this business. You will grow together with your conversations, sharing ideas and your observations. Its a win all for both of you. Yes! Communication is key to everything in life.
The amount of time you communicate with your sponsor or co-sponsor that you have chosen needs to be on a need purpose. Why?. Because you both have your schedule and to be constantly having to respond to the needs of that other person can deflect you away from your mission. I recommend you set a weekly day and time to chat and review how things are going. To express your progress and high lights of your achievements. Do it this way you maintain a peace of mind and respect. Over and above that, if you have a immediate need send a question out to the top producers elsewhere or send your partner as I say a email to respond to you when they have a free moment.
One other point I would say that the partner, sponsor or co-sponsor you come to work with needs to share their TripleClicks experiences, marketing ideas , VersaPoints high lights . These are the KEES to enjoying this opportunity I have found
Whenever you are stalled you need to contact your sponsor or co-sponsors. If not you will loose you will to succeed. For example, I found that I could not recollect how my web sites and marketing posts where being received. I needed guidance, to move this very important part of my business forward to work. Also with the guide and communication with my sponsor it was kept obvious that I needed to be persistent, dedicated, aware of all avenues that needed to be explored and completed in my scheduled ...more