What You Need to be among the best SFI Affiliates:
1. You must be fully committed and dedicated to the SFI Program. The top earners in SFI put in more hours studying, learning and experimenting new ideas than the average and below average Affiliates.
2. Find out what the top guns are doing and do them. Locate them from your Up lines, the Forum and in a2a. They don't hide and they will be more than willing to share their successes and strategies with your, only if you have the will power to do them.
3. Personal Training. SFI is designed so you can personally train yourself. As you do your daily, weekly and monthly actions consistently and dilligently, it become a part of you that you become an SFI walking encyclopedia. That is why you are always admonished you log in at least once daily.
All of these and much more, but stick with these and you will get to the top in no time.
What You Need to be among the best SFI Affiliates:
1. You must be fully committed and dedicated to the SFI Program. The top earners in SFI put in more hours studying, learning and experimenting new ideas than the average and below average Affiliates.
2. Find out what the top guns are doing and do them. Locate them from your Up lines, the Forum and in a2a. They don't hide and they will be more than willing to share their successes and strategies with your, only if you have the ...more