there is no one good answer to the question,some of us talk to our sponsor and co sponsor on a weekly basis.i would recommend trying to talk with them as much as you feel the need to ask questions or get insight to your problems you might be going threw at that time . . but my answer to this question would be atleast once a week just to check in and see if there is any good words that might help you in your goals for that given month.with that said some sponsors and co sponsors are in active if that is the case dont give up there is always someone i your upline willing to help you as i have found out first hand ...good luck and best wishes to you in your journys...
there is no one good answer to the question,some of us talk to our sponsor and co sponsor on a weekly basis.i would recommend trying to talk with them as much as you feel the need to ask questions or get insight to your problems you might be going threw at that time . . but my answer to this question would be atleast once a week just to check in and see if there is any good words that might help you in your goals for that given month.with that said some sponsors and co sponsors ...more