In this business, communication is the name of the game.
There is no such thing as "too much communication".
If you are just starting out, I would encourage you to contact your Sponsor, Co-Sponsor and/or other upline anytime you have a question, concern or need any kind of support.
(Caution: Don't become dependent on your upline for everything. SFI has a treasure house full of information with answers to almost any question. If you look for it yourself and can't find an answer, then contact your Sponsor/Co-Sponsor.)
I don't believe there is any sponsor that would be upset hearing from their downline. Quite the contrary, I think all are extremely happy when their PSAs/CSAs contact them because it is a sign that you are working and want to grow.
Sponsors also love to hear what is going on in your business. You can contact them to talk about what is going well or to get advise on marketing, etc.
Open lines of communication will not only let your sponsor help you build your business, it will also give you training on how to interact with your downline in the future!
In this business, communication is the name of the game.
There is no such thing as "too much communication".
If you are just starting out, I would encourage you to contact your Sponsor, Co-Sponsor and/or other upline anytime you have a question, concern or need any kind of support.
(Caution: Don't become dependent on your upline for everything. SFI has a treasure house full of information with answers to almost any question. If you look for it yourself and can't