Of course you should communicate to your sponsor and co-sponsor if you have a question or need help with anything. I also think you should respond to any message from them that asks a question or asks for information to better help you. If you don’t want to answer questions, just tell them that and they will not keep asking.
I have been a member of SFI for four months. I send out a team message every week and if I see someone is below the green line I send a message to offer help. I have sent messages to all the team about a free co-op I have stated and other items they could benefit from. I have 233 PSAs Gen. 15 PSAs Gen. 2 and 199 CSAs. I have only received replies from 3 PSAs and 1 CSA in four months.
This is very frustrating. It would be nice to hear from them once in a while. Many are working regularly and may not need any help, but I wish they would tell me that.
Of course you should communicate to your sponsor and co-sponsor if you have a question or need help with anything. I also think you should respond to any message from them that asks a question or asks for information to better help you. If you don’t want to answer questions, just tell them that and they will not keep asking.
I have been a member of SFI for four months. I send out a team message every week and if I see someone is below the green line I send a ...more