What I have found to work best for me is keep it simple, hand them a TripleClicks Gift Card! Mention Items you personally have purchased or won. Tell them about the everyday items that can be found under the products tab. (cleaning supplies, vitamins, books and any thing else found in a department store)
When a person can see the information in front of them it is sometimes much easier to understand.
TCredits are not the only way to obtain merchandise at TripleClicks. You can use Cash, TCurrancy, and Member Reward Points. Did you know,If you are a Bronze Team Leader two months in a row you receive $10.00 TCurrancy, deposited directly into your TripleClicks account?.
Yes, we need TCredits to bid (each bid gives us 1 action Versa Point)
but I purchase Items with my TCurrancy, Cash and MRPs more often than I bid with TCredits.
TripleClicks has much more to offer than Auctions and TCredits!
I hope this is helpful.
What I have found to work best for me is keep it simple, hand them a TripleClicks Gift Card! Mention Items you personally have purchased or won. Tell them about the everyday items that can be found under the products tab. (cleaning supplies, vitamins, books and any thing else found in a department store)
When a person can see the information in front of them it is sometimes much easier to understand.
TCredits are not the only way to obtain merchandise at TripleClicks. You can use Cash,