I believe both methods are important. You sponsor an affiliate when you tell a person about SFI and he/she joins. You sponsor affiliates when you purchase them through S-Builder or through co-ops offered by ECAs at TripleClicks. You sponsor them when you advertise, whether through paid methods or through free advertising. You sponsor affiliates when you send an eCard or a gift card to them and they join. You sponsor them when you drive your car with your Wave3 decal on it and hand out a card to them and they join.
Sponsoring is simply having people join in your first level on your Genealogy.
There is only one other thing you should do. Be sure, when you join a co-op or when you advertise on a web site that the site or the company is reputable and has good standing. Also, just know that whether you sponsor a person by face-to-face contact or by advertising or by using the co-ops, including S-Builder, that there is no guarantee that people will really work in this business or just join and do nothing or give up and leave at some point. Your responsibility is to sponsor and help your affiliates by teaching them to do the same. That is called duplication. There are lots of marketing tools here for you to use in your daily business dealings. Choose the ones best suited to you. If you have any ideas on things you would like to see promoted here at SFI for advertising, use the suggestion box to write to Gery Carson. The sharing of ideas is very important, and the open-door policy at SFI is commendable.
I believe both methods are important. You sponsor an affiliate when you tell a person about SFI and he/she joins. You sponsor affiliates when you purchase them through S-Builder or through co-ops offered by ECAs at TripleClicks. You sponsor them when you advertise, whether through paid methods or through free advertising. You sponsor affiliates when you send an eCard or a gift card to them and they join. You sponsor them when you drive your car with your Wave3 decal on it and hand out a card ...more