Upon joining SFI, you are given two mentors. You are given a Sponsor and a Co-sponsor. Those two persons ought to be your mentors. However, if those two persons prove useless, just start from the Getting Started Activities, SFI Basics and then the LaunchPad Activities. Those can be found just below your picture on your Homepage. You may also want to visit the Forum. Click the word, "Home" on your Homepage and look at the bottom of that page and you will see the word, "Forum." You may want to click on one of the topics at first, just to get a feel of the environment of the forum. Keep on familiarizing yourself with the types of questions asked, the responses given by different affiliates, the tone, rules and etcetera. After that, feel free to post your question. You will get an answer sooner than you expect.
You may also want to be a member of A2A. Prove yourself friendly and genuine and make friends with people from your country as well as others. Ask the experienced members questions and they will also be willing to assist you.
The search bar is just above your picture of your Homepage. If in case you are unsure of the meaning of a word or term, just type in those key words there and you will be directed to the closest answer.
Upon joining SFI, you are given two mentors. You are given a Sponsor and a Co-sponsor. Those two persons ought to be your mentors. However, if those two persons prove useless, just start from the Getting Started Activities, SFI Basics and then the LaunchPad Activities. Those can be found just below your picture on your Homepage. You may also want to visit the Forum. Click the word, "Home" on your Homepage and look at the bottom of that page and you will see the word, "Forum." ...more