The person who introduced you in the SFI is your mentor, only in SFI we call her Sponsor,and also you get one Co??-Sponsor, that are your two mentors that you should always help. Why are Sponsors?
Because it can help you in your success and give you the motivation for further work and progress, and he can reward you with TC, the new PSA, with cash amount-Gift Certificate. It's nice if you have a good and generous sponsor, if he still can not help of these material goods then surely it can help to you with his advice and experience in SFI.
The person who introduced you in the SFI is your mentor, only in SFI we call her Sponsor,and also you get one Co??-Sponsor, that are your two mentors that you should always help. Why are Sponsors?
Because it can help you in your success and give you the motivation for further work and progress, and he can reward you with TC, the new PSA, with cash amount-Gift Certificate. It's nice if you have a good and generous sponsor, if he still can not help of these material goods then surely it can help ...more