Here within the SFI Community it shouldn't be very hard to locate a great mentor, One may be connected to you one way or another right now.
You can get to know your Sponsor or Co-Sponsor, along with one or more of your uplines, they are excellent mentors in many circumstances. They should also be very approachable, so getting to know them when chatting or exchanging messages with them should be very easy.
If of course you prefer, you can also search for a mentor on the A2A network. You will find a wide variety of people from all walks of life, many of the individuals who are connected to A2A have been here for many years, finding a mentor should also be quite easy while using the A2A as your also able to search for a certain criteria while looking for your potential new mentor.
I hope the information to your question was provided; Best of luck with your Mentor Search!
Here within the SFI Community it shouldn't be very hard to locate a great mentor, One may be connected to you one way or another right now.
You can get to know your Sponsor or Co-Sponsor, along with one or more of your uplines, they are excellent mentors in many circumstances. They should also be very approachable, so getting to know them when chatting or exchanging messages with them should be very easy.
If of course you prefer, you can also search for a mentor on the A2A ...more