For me, your question is very tough but I will try to share my idea hoping that it helps a bit, for you to come up a better one
I'll explain to her/him that in Price Bender Auctions, there's no actual currency involve. In substitute of currency, T credits are being use. Participating at the Auction/s is the cheapest way to buy valuable products at "tripleClicks". If your Downline is within your locality, you can invite him/her to watch while you were buying T credits, & when you participate the auction bidding. You can also show him/her the previous winners at a very low winning price
You can also give her/him T credits so that he/she can try to participate the auction bidding.
For me, your question is very tough but I will try to share my idea hoping that it helps a bit, for you to come up a better one
I'll explain to her/him that in Price Bender Auctions, there's no actual currency involve. In substitute of currency, T credits are being use. Participating at the Auction/s is the cheapest way to buy valuable products at "tripleClicks". If your Downline is within your locality, you can invite him/her to watch while ...more