There are many ways to stay in connect with your PSA's and CSA's.
1. Team Mail (Genaology)
Regularly send your team mail and support to your PSA's and CSA's twice or thries a week. It help you to get your downline Active.
2. SFI Chat.
If your downline are online then made a conversation on SFIMG chat and help and give them advice and motivation.
3. Stream Post
You may also give a notes and tips on your Stream post everyday. It will also stay you connected with your downline.
4. Facebook/Twitter
You may add your downlines as a friend and followers in FB and Twitter. You may post a regular updates of SFI and TC.
There are many ways to stay in connect with your PSA's and CSA's.
1. Team Mail (Genaology)
Regularly send your team mail and support to your PSA's and CSA's twice or thries a week. It help you to get your downline Active.
2. SFI Chat.
If your downline are online then made a conversation on SFIMG chat and help and give them advice and motivation.
3. Stream Post
You may also give a notes and tips on your ...more