With limited time to invest into your business, I suggest you consider the following.
-Set up a standing order for 1500vp, this will ensure you become an EA every month. Preferably TCredits which you can use anytime to make purchases on TripleClicks (125 TCredits ) for about $36.50, earns you 1500VP https://www.tripleclicks.com/detail.php?item=212474
-Include S-Build co-op on your standing order, this will ensure you a share of quality PSAs and sometimes ECAs. $22.00 S-Builder Co op (280 VP) - https://www.sfimg.com/PowerTools/SBuilder
- Become a WAVE3 member, the kit cost a onetime fee of about $2 for shipping. You will earn free monthly 5TCs, 50MRPs, free song download and eligible for weekly prizes https://www.tripleclicks.com/Wave3/Wave3.php
-You can also buy as many PSAs as you can at TripleClicks.
-with all the above in place, try to use any spare time you can get (break and lunch time, weekends)
*Read something new about your SFI business. You can start by completing an action everyday at your VP Ledger. https://www.sfimg.com/MyAccount/MyReports/VPLedger
*Send weekly Team Mail to your PSAS and CSAs using the Genealogy.
I hope it helps
Wish you the best in your SFI business.
With limited time to invest into your business, I suggest you consider the following.
-Set up a standing order for 1500vp, this will ensure you become an EA every month. Preferably TCredits which you can use anytime to make purchases on TripleClicks (125 TCredits ) for about $36.50, earns you 1500VP https://www.tripleclicks.com/detail.php?item=212474
-Include S-Build co-op on your standing order, this will ensure you a share of quality PSAs and sometimes ECAs. $22.00 S-Builder