Unfortunately, I cannot answer your question from my personal experience since I don't have so zeroes in my downline but I asked some of those who had. I'm not so impressed with those inactive members, just interested in active once.
When asking how they achieve that, the answer was: advertising like crasy. This is the first thing they do, using every possible sources: gift cards which they always carry with them and offer them whenever and whereever they get a chance. They use digital form also and promoting them through blogs and videos. They use free and paid advertising and spend about two hours daily promoting.
They make a monthly budget for buying new members.
They are playing auctions regularly trying to increase their downline. They advise their team members to do the same.
Such an answer I got from someone who has more than 10 500 team members. I really hope it helped you and I wish you such success during forthcoming months :)
Hi Clive,
Unfortunately, I cannot answer your question from my personal experience since I don't have so zeroes in my downline but I asked some of those who had. I'm not so impressed with those inactive members, just interested in active once.
When asking how they achieve that, the answer was: advertising like crasy. This is the first thing they do, using every possible sources: gift cards which they always carry with them and offer them whenever and whereever they get a chance. They ...more