With the Internet, fraud scams are more efficient because you don't have to travel to physical stores, or potential marks, to test or use stolen credit cards. They are easier to hide because the fraudster is transparent — you don’t see who you are doing business with when doing business online.
You can help your skeptical prospects by being honest in your communication with them. First of all, I share with them the profile of SFI. This can be found on any internet site or you can show them from SFI’s home page.
Then I share with them my own experiences in SFI. I actually copy one of my checks that I have already deposited as proof that this business pays! This normally impresses them. You can also show them your debit card if you have one.
Additionally, I share with them the many testimonies from other SFi affiliates. Most of these testify how awesome SFI is when compared to other online businsses.
Fraudsters use the internet to their benefit by setting up dummy merchant sites where they could funnel credit cards through their own site to create cash flow and then before the charge-backs rolled in they would shut the doors and leave the country. I show them how many years SFI has been in business and the tremendous growth within that time.
They just have to take their time and observe our wonderful SFI family at work. Soon, they will want to be a family member too!
With the Internet, fraud scams are more efficient because you don't have to travel to physical stores, or potential marks, to test or use stolen credit cards. They are easier to hide because the fraudster is transparent — you don’t see who you are doing business with when doing business online.
You can help your skeptical prospects by being honest in your communication with them. First of all, I share with them the profile of SFI. This can be found on any internet site or you can