When considering if you are moving forward or standing still you only need to observe your surroundings and you will notice time moves even if you don’t so yes there will be times when you feel you are not moving forward but in actuality you are because time doesn’t stand still only the actions we take stop us from seeing our movement.
Possibly a bit confusing but in reality time and movement are one and the same so if you feel or an affiliate feels they are not getting anywhere then the actions they are taking are the actions that they are seeing, if they see no movement then they are not doing what is needed to see the movement.
So you need to motivate them to go somewhere, by giving up they or your stop moving forward only in your actions thus you get nowhere and that is what happens to those who give up to early, this is a business, and all businesses require a certain amount of commitment, dedication and above all a work passion without this you will fail.
In the beginning you will feel as if you are not getting anywhere it is normal, there is nothing you can do to change it. Similar to when you plant a tree you see a few roots, a bit of green and brown and earth around it so you see there is something there, yet you don’t know once you have planted it what the end result will be, how large it will grow, how strong it will be or how much shade it will give.
If properly cared for, you know that it will grow, it will eventually give some shade and possibly even bare fruits as long as it is cared for. The tree will not grow overnight to where you can see it, nor do you expect it to, it is small and the roots are weak but as it grows the roots become stronger and the tree grows not knowing how high it will eventually grow or if it will bare fruits or just give shade, so tell yourself or your affiliates to take care of the business like they would a tree in the beginning the roots need to be made strong, it needs water and nourishment and with time and by doing the basics over and over daily eventually the tree will grow and depending on the tree you plant the flowers or fruits will be your reward.
Hope it helps and if you or your affiliates still need motivation then the best motivation I can think of would be to actually go plant a tree in the yard and take care of it daily to remind yourself to take care of your business as well this way you see your dreams of what the tree may become daily and your business will be that tree and your future and then make the future become reality.
When considering if you are moving forward or standing still you only need to observe your surroundings and you will notice time moves even if you don’t so yes there will be times when you feel you are not moving forward but in actuality you are because time doesn’t stand still only the actions we take stop us from seeing our movement.
Possibly a bit confusing but in reality time and movement are one and the same so if you feel or an affiliate feels they are not getting anywhere then