I depends on what you mean by quality.I think there are some things we may be taking for granted , example, access to internet services,being internet savvy or computer literate,finances,environment ,example, access to power ,appropriate banking services,etc.Since affiliates come from different backgrounds their only wish is to to uplift themselves to a better economical level.Everything should be done to every affiliate,understand where they are coming from and meet them at their point of need.Then I believe with training,they can achieve their dreams and so will their sponsors.Hope this helps
I depends on what you mean by quality.I think there are some things we may be taking for granted , example, access to internet services,being internet savvy or computer literate,finances,environment ,example, access to power ,appropriate banking services,etc.Since affiliates come from different backgrounds their only wish is to to uplift themselves to a better economical level.Everything should be done to every affiliate,understand where they are coming from and meet them at their point of need.Then ...more