Well basically quantity to me describes the number of sign-ups that you have on your team roster. You can have a lot of sign-ups and still have a lot of inactive members for quite a while.
If you do find active members within that bunch, consider that a gold mine mainly because your active members are your valuable members that will want to work hard. This right here is where we transition quantity into quality because it's the quality of hard active workers that count compared to the quantity of sign ups. 1 hard worker is better than 1000 of inactive hard workers, but at the same time, don't count the inactive hard workers out either because they might turn out to come back weeks and/or months later.
Teach your members on your team as much as you know about this business. E365 contests, free things that can be done, daily grand, and much much more. Quality is better than quantity in these cases.
Well basically quantity to me describes the number of sign-ups that you have on your team roster. You can have a lot of sign-ups and still have a lot of inactive members for quite a while.
If you do find active members within that bunch, consider that a gold mine mainly because your active members are your valuable members that will want to work hard. This right here is where we transition quantity into quality because it's the quality of hard active workers that count ...more