Shifting from the quantity of sign-ups to quality ones depends on the manner on which you sponsored them.
With sign-ups bought from S-Builder or ECA, you can sort them out by the level of their commitment and activity.
Most will be zero producers, but some may show potential, who start with a few VPs, send their commitment message, and respond to your welcome letter. Some may become EA in one go, then you have found a real quality sign-up.
These are the quality ones you will need to work with closely. You can shift your attention, if that is what you mean,to these precious few, offer them support, guidance, and motivation to go on and become EA and beyond.
If you're using advertisement to recruit, then you can pre-qualify those who are interested with your smart use of ad words. I don't know much about this, but if you're able to attract plenty of sign-ups, then you repeat the process of sounding out their commitment and work only with those who are serious. Then you're able to shift your priority to work only with quality sign-ups.
If you're sponsoring through your "warm market" then you can possibly pick and choose the right people whom you want to bring into your business, thereby having only sign-ups whom you believe will be quality affiliates.
Shifting from the quantity of sign-ups to quality ones depends on the manner on which you sponsored them.
With sign-ups bought from S-Builder or ECA, you can sort them out by the level of their commitment and activity.
Most will be zero producers, but some may show potential, who start with a few VPs, send their commitment message, and respond to your welcome letter. Some may become EA in one go, then you have found a real quality sign-up.
These are the quality