First of all if you don't put in any work you get nothing.
Second where is the affiliate trying to go. The affiliate must first set their goals and plan out what it is they are trying to achieve. if there is no direction then nowhere is where you would end up.
I would take a look at the checklist that is provided by SFI when you click on the affiliate at the bottom there is a checklist that takes you through detailed information about the affiliate. I think this checklist works very well and will help to define what an affiliate is trying to achieve. the checklist also makes sure the sponsor is well involved with helping and supporting the affiliate.
So , to answer the question; the encouragement I would suggest is to
1. Have the affiliate define their goals and what they expect to accomplish with SFI
2. The affiliate should then define their course of action to accomplish their goals with the help of their sponsor if needed.
3. Give the affiliate positive feedback, and support when needed.
4. Keep communication with the affiliate by sending news letters or training that you think would be helpful.
Encouragement should be everything positive to help the affiliate succeed and not give up.
First of all if you don't put in any work you get nothing.
Second where is the affiliate trying to go. The affiliate must first set their goals and plan out what it is they are trying to achieve. if there is no direction then nowhere is where you would end up.
I would take a look at the checklist that is provided by SFI when you click on the affiliate at the bottom there is a checklist that takes you through detailed information about the affiliate. I think this checklist