If I do not make money, ratting 0 to upline
If my PSA and CSA not make money, ratting 0 to me
You need to understand why a PSA would rate you poorly.
1. Your PSA expect more
2. You may not be giving the right support needed, when it is needed.
3. Your PSA may be looking for support that does not fit into SFI program.
We are here for to make second income, so explaine them power of duplication, support them and result for You and them will not be absent.
Wish You best in make team, money and good relations with PSA
I will tell You my truth.
If I do not make money, ratting 0 to upline
If my PSA and CSA not make money, ratting 0 to me
You need to understand why a PSA would rate you poorly.
1. Your PSA expect more
2. You may not be giving the right support needed, when it is needed.
3. Your PSA may be looking for support that does not fit into SFI program.
We are here for to make second income, so explaine them power of duplication, support ...more