Weee I love this question as I love the gift cards!!!
I tried several methods some more effective then others but the conclusion is same: If you just hand the card/code and copy/paste some advertising message you are doomed!!Some will sign up for curiosity but many won't! They don't CARE!! Why would they?What TCs and MRPs mean to them?Absolutely nothing!!You must point out how they can use them.You must tell them that they can get up to 5 cards from you and that they can buy something from TC site with them or play auctions.Tell them they can enlist items they don't need.This really works with ECA referrals.
Find some TripleClicks products they might like and buy with those TCs and MRPs(if you know the person of course, if not just find something that is already selling well) and send them the links.YES, you have to put an effort into this just about like everything else that is worth doing!!!
REMEMBER: Just handing/e-mailing them is like playing a lottery!!Only 1 in 10 will be used!
Weee I love this question as I love the gift cards!!!
I tried several methods some more effective then others but the conclusion is same: If you just hand the card/code and copy/paste some advertising message you are doomed!!Some will sign up for curiosity but many won't! They don't CARE!! Why would they?What TCs and MRPs mean to them?Absolutely nothing!!You must point out how they can use them.You must tell them that they can get up to 5 cards from you and that they can buy something ...more