What I did with my husband was explain what SFI was and told him that when I was going to invest more than time and energy into my business we would set down together and between us decide how much money and when I would invest it.
If he had something he needed money for at the same time we would take turns using what we had. One time he would get the money and the next time I would.
By reviewing where the money was going he is beginning to learn more about SFI and he isn't quite as reluctant to let me spend more. If this keeps up maybe one day he will be helping me with my business and we can form a partnership in business as well as life.
What I did with my husband was explain what SFI was and told him that when I was going to invest more than time and energy into my business we would set down together and between us decide how much money and when I would invest it.
If he had something he needed money for at the same time we would take turns using what we had. One time he would get the money and the next time I would.
By reviewing where the money was going he is beginning to learn more ...more