Hello Ester Maupa!
You have asked a very sensible question. By reading the Ad that "Join SFI free and start earning fast" many new members get the wrong notion that they can start earning fast just by joining SFI free. I do not mean that you cannot start earning free, but it may take considerable time before you really make some head way towards earning. Therefore approach the by guiding them correctly as follows:
1. On joining after the welcome letter, tell them that they have joined a real earning opprtunity which is not a "Get rich quick business". Its like any other 'Brick & Tar'
business that requires time to set up. Needs investment, and advertising on a regular base. Basically they need to follow three thing religeously:
(a) Go to page "Start" and learn how to get stated their SFI business in a correct way. SFI has provided everything one needs to know in the pages "START, SFI BASICS & LAUNCH PAD" sections.
(b) Secondly, they need to read "SFI Basics" go get a clear picture of all that is required to be done by an SFI affiliate.
(c) Go through 30 day Learning Plan the "Launch Pad". They need to read each chapter very carefully & take notes. The launch pad is not just meant for scoring fast points.Although, if you can register everything in your mind you can read them all in one or two days.
It must be emphasized that on each these three pages all the relevant links need to be opened separately and studied as a new subject. All the info can be stored in separate folders or word documents for repeated study in your spare time. One can even take out prints to study while waiting or traveling in a a bus, train etc.
Finally warn them as Gery Carson himself has claimed, "SFI takes a minimum of 3 years to earn a substantial
income". It all depends upon the laziness/smartness of the individual SFI members to delay or boost their business and income from it.
Hope it helps
Hello Ester Maupa!
You have asked a very sensible question. By reading the Ad that "Join SFI free and start earning fast" many new members get the wrong notion that they can start earning fast just by joining SFI free. I do not mean that you cannot start earning free, but it may take considerable time before you really make some head way towards earning. Therefore approach the by guiding them correctly as follows:
1. On joining after the welcome letter, tell them that