To avoid disapointment, further educate yourself as a leader to become an awesome sponsor/leader.They say if you were educated yesterday, and don't read today ,you will be a fool tomorrow. The task of leadership is so crucial you can't afford to be foolish or keep making stupid mistakes. Its a position that needs more than trial and error.
There are situations where affiliates simply qualify by versapoints to leadership positions without studying to get prior knowledge they will need to lead a team or sponsor affilates effectively.This leads to their frustration when they become bombarded by questions from their PSAs and they have no clue what to say.Some try to rush to their own sponsors to bail them out but its not reliable for everyone since some sponsors may like literally dump you the day you join, and in such cases where do you go?Even if they dont dump you they may be having more work to do and honestly have no spare time everytime you ask them.
It is paramount for leaders to upgrade themselves on a daily basis through the Ask SC questions,SFI Forum and and other materials available at SFI to keep ahead, not that they should "know it all" but give the best possible help they can when needed.
A leader is expected to lead, you create a downline people; whom you will lead, noone gives us kids we bear them, so its a priority to build a downline,to teach them how to build theirs too.Learn how to sell or generate sales for SFI/TripleClicks online and teach them to do the same.It is important to meet these basic expectations and many more, if your business is going to work or grow.Hope this helps....
To avoid disapointment, further educate yourself as a leader to become an awesome sponsor/leader.They say if you were educated yesterday, and don't read today ,you will be a fool tomorrow. The task of leadership is so crucial you can't afford to be foolish or keep making stupid mistakes. Its a position that needs more than trial and error.
There are situations where affiliates simply qualify by versapoints to leadership positions without studying to get prior knowledge they will need to