Once you have qualified as a Team Leader, you've got to live the part and set an example for your downline that you would like for them to duplicate. Complete all of your daily tasks, and be positive and encouraging in your communications. Remain "visible", and make it clear to your downline that you are willing to help by answering questions, or pointing them in the right direction.
If you would like for your downline to log in daily, earn points and check for updates, you should be doing these same actions. Also, maintain your Leadership page, providing helpful tips and encouragement there as well. If you are able to, have contests with prizes to reward your active affiliates. Be sure to acknowledge your affiliates for their successes, or if you see they have won a contest prize.
Be able to provide your downline with the information they need to become successful. If they have questions that you are unsure of, refer them to the proper areas in SFI such as the forum, or Basics, or Launchpad lessons to find the answers (and study the answer yourself for future reference!).
Develop and encourage your "Movers" by sharing with them the methods you use to obtain and maintain your Team Leader status. Your success will be determined by your actions and by having a positive belief in the SFI system, and this will be evident to your downline.
The Power of your business and range of your success will come from finding like-minded people, and by being a good leader, developing these people to duplicate your results and become good leaders themselves.
Once you have qualified as a Team Leader, you've got to live the part and set an example for your downline that you would like for them to duplicate. Complete all of your daily tasks, and be positive and encouraging in your communications. Remain "visible", and make it clear to your downline that you are willing to help by answering questions, or pointing them in the right direction.
If you would like for your downline to log in daily, earn points and check for updates, you should