1. It’s a good & important questions. In most cases everyone registers, but then takes no action. Because taking an action involves doing some practical jobs. No one takes pains either because they do not know how to do it or do not have time to do it.
2. Well, Here comes you’re your role. As we all know there is no gain without pain. And if they are sponsored by you, you need to take more pain than them to be active. Moreover, you know more about ECA Program than they know.
3. Go and visit them. Ask them their difficulties and solve them by suggesting them how to do it or do it for them yourself.
4. This way the word will go around in your are that you are the best person to help support and guide all ECAs whether they are sponsored by you or not.
5. Next action would be to join them on their T Connect pages and promote their products & earn commission. Think Big. Think long term. One time pain may get you many times gain
1. It’s a good & important questions. In most cases everyone registers, but then takes no action. Because taking an action involves doing some practical jobs. No one takes pains either because they do not know how to do it or do not have time to do it.
2. Well, Here comes you’re your role. As we all know there is no gain without pain. And if they are sponsored by you, you need to take more pain than them to be active. Moreover, you know more about ECA Program than they know.