I will tell you my story and based off of that I believe I can give you advise on this subject.
Over the last 15 years, I have tried different MLM and network marketing programs that cost us a lot of money and did not result in very much income. The last thing my wife wanted to here was that I was starting "another business" and that I wanted to invest in this business. Especially since she had recently lost her job. I decided to take a look at what I was spending money on and what I could sacrifice. As I was sitting outside smoking a cigarette, it hit me! I am smoking about $75 per month. I decided to quit smoking cigarettes. This gave me 75 dollars to invest in my business each month and did not affect our budget. With this investment, I was able to achieve STL in my first month. Because of the second home CSAs that I received half way through my second month, I started making money. This impressed my wife and she started looking for other ways to save money for me to invest in "our" business.(It was my business until I started making money, now it's our business) My wife started clipping coupons and cutting bills. We went from having all of the TV channels to very basic TV. We were able to come up with $125 to $150 per month to invest into our business. Because of this, each month our income grows. Now we are using our SFI income to invest 100's of dollars per month into our business in order to grow it even bigger. Instead of killing myself slowly, I still invest that $75 per month out of my own pocket.
My advice would be to take a look at what you can personally sacrifice. For me it was cigarettes. For you it may be eating out or that weekly game of golf. It could be that morning cup of coffee or the fast food lunches. If you sacrifice something that you enjoy but don't need, your partner will see how much this business means to you and just might help you out. This is the only network marketing business that I have ever had true success with and I believe it is because I have the support of the person who means the most to me.
I hope that my answer helps you. May you find your success.
I will tell you my story and based off of that I believe I can give you advise on this subject.
Over the last 15 years, I have tried different MLM and network marketing programs that cost us a lot of money and did not result in very much income. The last thing my wife wanted to here was that I was starting "another business" and that I wanted to invest in this business. Especially since she had recently lost her job. I decided to take a look at what I was spending money on and what ...more