Receiving some FREE CSAs is a Gift!!
At one time or another each and everyone of us receives in-active CSAs. Sometimes we might receive some active CSAs. Maybe with having you as their new Co-Sponsor, who knows maybe they will like your style of Sponsorship and might jump right back into working on their business. I have a lot of CSA's who are inactive yes it is a gift to get CSA's you never know when they will decide to become active.
Love your CSAs, active or inactive, because they make you a team. I love my CSAs, all of them, and a few are leaders of their own team and two are very hardworking and rock-solid and soon will get to the very top. I feel like I'd already won a lottery! So welcome them with open arms and keep motivating them, nurture them and help them grow. They have to succeed first before you can succeed. Let us just express our thanks. We can not choose if it is a reward. Just accept it wholeheartedly. If they are not active, perhaps it is now our turn to guide them.
Who knows... maybe they'll be active some day. Hope this helps. Have a Good Day!
Receiving some FREE CSAs is a Gift!!
At one time or another each and everyone of us receives in-active CSAs. Sometimes we might receive some active CSAs. Maybe with having you as their new Co-Sponsor, who knows maybe they will like your style of Sponsorship and might jump right back into working on their business. I have a lot of CSA's who are inactive yes it is a gift to get CSA's you never know when they will decide to become active.
Love your CSAs, active or inactive, because they make ...more