This is a very important question since almost 90% of the people here at SFI is asking same question.
Well one good thing about SFI is it's very flexible, you can be successful even if you don't have money to invest or with little money to invest or with big money to invest.
Let me illustrate it is form of formula:
1) No money to Invest + good strategies + Lot of time + work smart = Longer time to build.
2) Little money to invest + good strategies + enough time + work smart = can build in shorter time.
3) Big Investment + good strategies + fewer time + work smart = can build your business in 2 to 3 months.
There are two common ingredients that you should have in whatever level of budget you have. Good strategies and working smart.
The difference lies on the amount of time you spend which is inversely proportional to your investment.
After the authors are revealed you can contact me and I will teach how to work on your budget level.
This is a very important question since almost 90% of the people here at SFI is asking same question.
Well one good thing about SFI is it's very flexible, you can be successful even if you don't have money to invest or with little money to invest or with big money to invest.
Let me illustrate it is form of formula:
1) No money to Invest + good strategies + Lot of time + work smart = Longer time to build.
2) Little money to invest + good strategies + enough ...more