Hello Pavle,
I want to answer this as simply as possible without any complicated terminology because I strongly feel that many new recruits can be scared away by over complicated explanations.
First of all let me stress that duplication is only important if you're following the guidelines and completing your training. Therefore it is of utmost importance that you familiarize yourself with all income streams and tools of SFI & TripleClicks.
You want to be doing everything possible to make your business a success.
By using all the resources here at SFI and finding your own methods, you will be recruiting PSAs.
By creating a standing order you will maintain your EA rank and reap all the benefits that come with this such as keeping your CSAs and sharing in the executive pool.
By recruiting an ECA, you will earn lifetime royalties on all products sold by them.
Here's the kicker!
Teach your PSAs to duplicate what you're doing and teach them how important it is to teach their downline the same. Your downline goes up to 12 levels deep so your commissions and matching VersaPoints will grow exponentially because you will be earning commission from their downline's downline and so on.
SFI Basics and Compensation Plan will show you the figures and some of the more successful members have compiled videos (which can be found on the popular video sites) demonstrating how duplication works. They include tables and figures to demonstrate how a handful of PSAs in your first level can give you a sizeable income with duplication.
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Hello Pavle,
I want to answer this as simply as possible without any complicated terminology because I strongly feel that many new recruits can be scared away by over complicated explanations.
First of all let me stress that duplication is only important if you're following the guidelines and completing your training. Therefore it is of utmost importance that you familiarize yourself with all income streams and tools of SFI & TripleClicks.
You want to be doing