So often people join these 'opportunities' to make money and they end in disappointment, mainly because of their expectations! Too many people are desperately looking for ways to make money and a 'quick fix' to resolve their financial problems.
I believe most of us join to make money and get financial freedom - that is a 'given'
but when it comes to work, so many lose interest and move on. BIG MISTAKE!
When I joined SFI I had tried a few other programs with no results, despite my efforts. I am a hard worker and if I go for something I usually give it a good try! I was very impressed with the tutorials, responsiveness of SFI and the incredible resources available. I decided this was worth pursuing. I was fast-tracked, made EA and got a standing order etc.
But what really convinced me to stay was my first commission payment - it was $1.87
I was euphoric! I know that sounds crazy!! That was my first month's earnings, hardly anything to rave about, but I still earned something! SFI pays out, they do what they say and there are so many rewards you get along the way.
I have been here for a year now, have over 1700 affiliates in my team, and although I am not earning a fortune yet, I can see my business growing every month. I know this was the right choice for me and believe that anyone who truly desires success, should look no further!
Believe in yourself, set some goals, be realistic, work hard and persevere.
So often people join these 'opportunities' to make money and they end in disappointment, mainly because of their expectations! Too many people are desperately looking for ways to make money and a 'quick fix' to resolve their financial problems.
I believe most of us join to make money and get financial freedom - that is a 'given'
but when it comes to work, so many lose interest and move on. BIG MISTAKE!
When I joined SFI I had tried a few other programs with no results,