I believe you need to point out the benefits they can get out of it by being active with TripleClicks (TC). These may include:
1. They can obtain most of the products that they personally use from TC given the range of more than 100,000products sold via TC. You got tell them to purchase products that they buy elsewhere from TC. No additional purchases just redirect their current purchases. Tell them it is their store. Share with them the benefit of buying from TC which is earning VP.
2. Share with them the Deals of the Day.
3. Tell them about the Auctions and how they can participate. Tell them about past Auctions and the winning price versus the retail price. Auctions are kept current by new products being added to make the Auctions more attractive and generate more participation like the Apple MacBook Air.
4. Auctions are organized so that everyone has an opportunity to participate eg. Junior/Seasoned/First Time Winner etc. This ensures that the Auctions are not monopolized.
5. Explain the Pick the Price (PTP) within the Auctions which only requires 1 TC to participate. If they pick the exact winning price they stand to win 100 TC’s or 25 TC’s if their price is the nearest.
6. Explain the ECA program and how they can become an ECA themselves. They can look for products supplied by their local ECA to reduce or eliminate shipping charges.
7. Tell them about the T-Time game where 2 TC’s are given free to 30 persons every hour. Free to participate.
8. Explain the W3 program (TC’s Referral Program) which can be obtained at USD1.95 only and they stand to get 5 TC’s and 50 MRP every month. Able to participate in W3 weekly drawing upon making a referral.
9. Should they accumulate MRP, they can shop for products using their MRP at the ‘MRP store’ which is part and parcel of TC.
I believe you need to point out the benefits they can get out of it by being active with TripleClicks (TC). These may include:
1. They can obtain most of the products that they personally use from TC given the range of more than 100,000products sold via TC. You got tell them to purchase products that they buy elsewhere from TC. No additional purchases just redirect their current purchases. Tell them it is their store. Share with them the benefit of buying from TC which is