I am saying two things instead of one as I was not sure I could leave out either. Personally, I firmly believe that we can succeed in this business only when we have die hard belief in SFI as an organization and when we don't let our shoulders sag not seeing instant results.
My success has been due to the fact that I have never believed that I will fail provided I do/complete all the activities appropriately and in time. This coupled with the fact that the business model was solid made me that much more determined to stoically go ahead and have the patience for the business to succeed.
As I mentioned earlier "BELIEF" is need to step into the business while "PERSISTENCE" is needed to make it a success.
I am saying two things instead of one as I was not sure I could leave out either. Personally, I firmly believe that we can succeed in this business only when we have die hard belief in SFI as an organization and when we don't let our shoulders sag not seeing instant results.
My success has been due to the fact that I have never believed that I will fail provided I do/complete all the activities appropriately and in time. This coupled with the ...more