Many I have seen in SFI talks and worries about VP. I believe strongly that this program is not VP alone.
So I would start a newsletter to get my team aware of multiple opportunities that SFI is providing.
I would like to focus on ECA, TC - Selling and advertising stores. The products in TC store can be selected carefully so as to target the audience based on their country.
Focus on making their psas a ECA. This will help in getting action points and permanent incomes.
And the wave3 program. Most of them ignore this area.For everyone that is joining under your referral, you will be compensated with TC, MRP and above all Weekly Drawing.
Many I have seen in SFI talks and worries about VP. I believe strongly that this program is not VP alone.
So I would start a newsletter to get my team aware of multiple opportunities that SFI is providing.
I would like to focus on ECA, TC - Selling and advertising stores. The products in TC store can be selected carefully so as to target the audience based on their country.
Focus on making their psas a ECA. This will help in getting action points and permanent incomes.
And ...more