For me a couple of things make me proud to be an SFI affiliate:
1. Building my business from scratch and watching it grow. This is the case for all SFI affiliates. When you sign up to become an affiliate, its the zero point and you begin to grow...Its so beautiful.
2. You are not alone in this. As there are many resources to help you out. Resources like: Your sponsor, up lines, many training materials, perks and so much more. You can't just fail as long as you are a serious SFI affiliate because as I will say.... SFI's got your back.
These and much more make me proud to be an SFI affiliate. You can succeed.
For me a couple of things make me proud to be an SFI affiliate:
1. Building my business from scratch and watching it grow. This is the case for all SFI affiliates. When you sign up to become an affiliate, its the zero point and you begin to grow...Its so beautiful.
2. You are not alone in this. As there are many resources to help you out. Resources like: Your sponsor, up lines, many training materials, perks and so much more. You can't just fail as long as you are a serious ...more