This is a good question and I answer it as I contemplate launching out to attract such ECAs to SFI. The best types of businesses to focus on are:
1. Beauty Supply Stores, seller of cosmetics for hair face and whole
2. Herbal and wellness companies. Health and wellness is always a big niche to tap into.
3. Consumer Market or retail market, Industrial Market or bulk sourcing market.
4. Digital product retailers. The instant nature of the products coupled with no shipping costs cannot be beat.
5. Triplecliks is one of the largest "money-saving" online stores in the world.
If you hope to sell mainly to SFI affiliates, then products that would help them in running their SFI businesses would be top sellers. If you can create these products yourself, then you aren’t only relying on commissions, but get the sale price of your product. Whenever I buy a product I really like, my first thought is,"Others would like this, too!" Which leads to, "Let me tell you about my global market.." If you love their products, chances are there is a bigger market for them. Why not here at TripleClicks?
Any type of business, small or large can see the advantage of putting their products or service in front of such a huge audience so easily and not cost them a fortune. No matter the size of the business, they all look to the same place, their bottom line. You present them the opportunity to vastly increase that bottom line and they all become the best type of business to focus on to maximize ECA recruitment.
This is a good question and I answer it as I contemplate launching out to attract such ECAs to SFI. The best types of businesses to focus on are:
1. Beauty Supply Stores, seller of cosmetics for hair face and whole
2. Herbal and wellness companies. Health and wellness is always a big niche to tap into.
3. Consumer Market or retail market, Industrial Market or bulk sourcing market.
4. Digital product retailers. The instant nature of the products coupled with no shipping costs