The best items to buy and sell on TripleClicks are the highest priced items, in the least efficient markets, where there is sufficient supply.
Why higher priced items?
Higher priced items provide more leverage for profits than lower priced items, as long as the total amount of work is the same. For example, you could buy a $40 bike, fix it up and resell it for $60. Or you could buy a $400 bike, fix it up and resell it for $600. The same amount of time went into acquiring both bikes, fixing them, and reselling them. The difference in profit was $180 for the same amount of labor and time. However, when buying higher priced items, you increase your chance for loss. I recommend gradually working your way up towards higher priced items. Slow growth is usually the best growth.
The best items to buy and sell on TripleClicks are the highest priced items, in the least efficient markets, where there is sufficient supply.
Why higher priced items?
Higher priced items provide more leverage for profits than lower priced items, as long as the total amount of work is the same. For example, you could buy a $40 bike, fix it up and resell it for $60. Or you could buy a $400 bike, fix it up and resell it for $600. The same amount of time went into acquiring both ...more