Personally what makes me proud is my persistence, because other people in my shoes quit in no time flat because they get overwhelmed or they do not see any cash flowing. I have been here on SFI almost a year now and I have encountered quite a few rough patches in terms of personal finances but I continued on SFI always finding something to do in order to get VersaPoints and also to do advertising.
My personal experience with advertising is also something that I am proud of because in the beginning I would get frustrated because I was advertising but no one would respond but I continued doing it and after 9 months I started getting three TC members, I am even proud of the simplefact that I made it to the E365 finals. The point is I never would have gotten this far if I would have given up longtime ago.
I am also proud of being a Top Author because right now I have up to 100k votes but I got a message on my TC email from an affiliate in Venezuela telling me that my answers here on ASK SC are very helpful for novitiates like him because they are simple and easy to understand and they are very appropriate for each question being asked.
Being a team leader is something that I am very proud of because I am qualified to help new members get started and also help them to accumulate the highest vp possible, I know because I have a CSA who really likes me, she says that I am friendly and easy to approach so that makes me feel good inside, and that is something that money can't buy. Money can buy affiliates on TC but it cannot buy their blessings.
Personally what makes me proud is my persistence, because other people in my shoes quit in no time flat because they get overwhelmed or they do not see any cash flowing. I have been here on SFI almost a year now and I have encountered quite a few rough patches in terms of personal finances but I continued on SFI always finding something to do in order to get VersaPoints and also to do advertising.
My personal experience with advertising is also something that I am proud of because in ...more